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Diana Maynard

Photo of Diana Maynard

Photo of Diana Maynard

Diana Maynard was born in Surrey in 1972. She studied Computational Linguistics and French at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and gained a PhD in Natural Language Processing (NLP) from the Manchester Metropolitan University in 2000. She now works as a researcher in Human Language Technology at Sheffield University, where she manages a variety of European projects in the fields of Human Language Technology and the Semantic Web, and is a core developer of the GATE architecture for Natural Language Processing.

She has had Type 1 diabetes since she was 8 years old, and has used an insulin pump since 1999. She has severe sight loss due to proliferative retinopathy.

Her interests include ballroom dancing, softball, goalball, mountain biking, hillwalking, modern jive, choral singing and classical music. She assisted in the development of the Insulin Pumpers UK website, and now administers the website and discussion group.

Pages on this website she has written, edited or contributed to

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Send a message to Diana Maynard

You can email Diana Maynard at d.maynard@dcs.shef.ac.uk

Created: March 2000; Last updated: Wednesday 19 July 2006

Insulin Pumpers and Insulin Pumpers UK are supported financially by voluntary contributions from members of its discussion groups and from all the principal insulin pump manufacturers.

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