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Rules for the Insulin Pumpers UK group
What you can and can't do in the Insulin Pumpers UK group
Make a note of these
- Email to the whole group:
- Insulin Pumpers UK website:
- To get help:
Take care!
What you read in the group is not like what your doctor says. If you want to change how you run your diabetes, talk to your doctor first.
How to start
- What is this group?
- This group lets you get emails from other people like you. People who want to know more about pumps.
- How do I send an email to the group?
- Send it to and the whole group gets your email.
- You can also do it from the website at
- How can I find out who else is in the group?
- Go to the website at and click on "The other members of the Insulin Pumpers UK group". Here you can read what each person said when they joined.
- How do I leave the group?
- Write to and ask to leave.
- Can I leave the group for a short time while I go away, and join again when I get back?
- Yes. Write to
- I get too much email from this group. What can I do?
- Write to and ask to get the digest. You will get just one big email a day.
- Or ask for the browser version. You get no emails but you can read them all at
- Where can I read old emails?
- We keep all the emails at the website. Go to
- Will I get spam?
- We hope not. We will not give away your email address.
What can I say?
- Your emails must only be about diabetes and pumps. If you just want to chat, send the email to the other person and not to the group.
- Do not send adverts to the group.
- Do not say you heard something if you can't say where you heard it.
- If you talk about your blood sugar level, use the UK units - mmol/L
- An email has a subject. Make sure the subject says what is in the email, or else people may not read it.
- When you reply to a long email, don't leave all the old email there as well.
- If you get the digest, when you reply you will have to make a new email and send it to
Some other things
- Insulin Pumpers runs some other groups. You can join them at
- It's free to use these groups.
- You must not tell others who else is in the group. That is secret.
- If you break these rules on purpose, we will throw you out of the group.
- Insulin Pumpers is a California charity to help spread the news about pumps. If you want to help, write ring or email us at: Insulin Pumpers, 4600 El Camino Real, Suite 206B, Los Altos, CA 94022, USA. Tel: 001 650 494 3351. Fax: 001 650 494 3356. email: At 5pm in London it is 9am in California.
- An up-to-date copy of these rules are on the website at John Neale last changed these rules on 28 Jan 2001
Thanks for reading this email. We hope you like the Insulin Pumpers UK group.
Created: January 1998; Last updated: Tuesday 5 June 2001